
It's not only Science Fiction any more. The God Particle (Higgs boson) is the greatest discovery in Science recently made in Geneva Switzerland. Higher than the invention from the ATOM as the God Particle is the force that defines all of the atoms, all of the elements, everything we're manufactured from in the entire universe also it performs this without getting recognized so far.

Science Fiction

This book changes everything and alters all future history. This book explains the way the God Particle Field (GpF) is actually the Force that is described in the The exorcist Movies by George Lucas, other than you don't require a laser sword or perhaps an X-Wing Fighter to sign up and use it to save oneself.

God Particle Physics For Dummies is for anyone that doesn't need a Ph.D in almost any scientific discipline. Clear to see explanation of the the God Particle is all about, what it really may be seeking from us and how to make it work for you personally. The Science on this book is irrefutable proof based on all the newest information of God Particle Physics made known by the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva Switzerland, run by CERN and announced on July 4th, 2012.

If you want the classic Sci-fi stories including Kurt Vonnegut's 'Cats Cradle' or 'Slaughterhouse Five' or Robert Heinlein's immortal "Stranger In A Strange Land", you'll love God Particle Physics for Dummies. However, be warned that is simply a starting place to read another classic Science Fiction novel using this author - Realia: E Pluribus Unum, where the story actually re-writes all background and results in a totally new future Dimensions, something predicted by Quantum Physics and Albert Einstein.

Science Fiction

The writer, Michael Mathiesen, a well-known Science Fiction write did his homework and brings a sense of wonder and awe towards the discovery that perhaps the scientists who made the invention have to date over-looked. For if there is a God Particle, the progenitor of all other forces inside the universe, ergo, there also offers to become a God. And, since we've discovered God's best kept little secret - shall we be located on the brink of finally having the capacity to "Plug In" for the greatest force ever? You might find the solutions to this and other questions highly compelling.